viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Elizabeth Theatre

1. Whereabout in London were the Theatres located ? Why ?
The Theatres are located near the river Thames because is important to have water near for the fire.
2. Name the most important theatres during Elizabethan times.
The first theatres of drama were of two kinds: Inn-yards and Great Halls.
3. Which was the first playhouse in London ? Who built it ?
The first theatre was an Elizabethan playhouse located in Shoreditch. Builted by James Burbage
4. When was it built ? When was it closed ?
The Theatre was constructed in 1576, it have been built as early as 1575. They dismantled the theatre on the night of 28 December 1598 
5. Describe the particular shape of the theatres . Where did they take this shape from ?
The shape of the theatre becomes for the Greeks and Romans. Because the people can see and listen.
6. Who controlled the performances on behalf of the government?
The government controlled it.
7. Why could the theatres be closed down ?
Because the government don’t like it or for the actors don’t act for quarantine.
8Who played the parts of women on stage ? Why ?
Women’s were only for work in home and the women’s don’t act. The women parts are played for mens.
9. Did women attend the theatre?
Yes, they can. But not always, depended of the play.
10. How much did it cost to stand in the yard ? And to sit in a gallery ? And to have a cushion ?And to sit in the lords’ room ?
It's impossible to sit in the lords room. 

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