viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Henry VIII


BORN: The 28th of  June in 1491
Mother à His mother is Elisabeth of York. 
Father à His father is Henry VII 
CROWED:  He was King of England and Lord of Ireland from 22 April 1509 until his death.
MARITAL STATUS: Famous for having been married six times
CHILDREN: He has a lot of children but the illegitimate children of Henry VIII, only the Duke of Richmond and Somerset was formally recognized by the king. The parentages of other illegitimate children are not established. It is also possible that Henry had more children with no known other lovers.
HOBBIES: He was a gambler and cubes player. When he was you he practiced sports. And it was also a complete musician, writer and poet.
MOST FAMOUS PALACE: The Nonsuch Palace, King's College Chapel in Cambridge
DIED:  The 28th of January in 1547
REIGNED: In England and Ireland
BURIED:  Before he died, Henry asked to be buried with his third wife, Jane Seymour, who had died in 1537 only days after giving birth to Henry's only legitimate son, Edward (later Edward VI). 
The grave is in Saint George's chapel in Windsor Castle.
9. Name of will’s rival poetà The sonnets most commonly identified as the Rival Poet group exist within the Fair Youth group in sonnets 78-86.
10. Founder of the theatreà The Globe was built in London in 1576 and the owner was James Burbage.
11. One of will’s most famous tragedies, in wich a king has three daughtersàKing lear
12.A famous theatre close to the globeà Rose
13.Will’s first daughteràSusana
14. Hamlet’s unfortunate girlfriendà Ophelia
15. Will’s theatreàThe Globe
16. One of will’s famous tragedies. “Out damn spot. Out, I say! à Macbeth
17. Tragedy and name of the king who said “a horse. My kingdom for a horse!”àRichard

18. Tragedy and name of a man who killed his wife Desdemona for jealousyà Othello

Name: Anne Boleyn
Fate: Beheaded at the Tower of London on May 19, 1536 after charged with adultery.
Children: Elizabeth I
Wife number: 2

Name:  Jane Seymour
Fate: On October 24, 1537, Jane died from complications of childbirth. Jane is the only of Henry’s wives to share his gave.
Children: Edward VI
Wife number: 3

Name:  Anne of Cleves
Fate: Henry divorced her and Anne received a nice sum of money, an estate, and the title of “ king’s sister”.
Children: none
Wife number: 4

Name: Catherine of Aragon
Fate: Henry divorced her, having their marriage annulled. Catherine was banished from the kingdom and lived in seclusion until the time of her death
Children: Mary I
Wife number:  1

Name:  Caterine Parr
Fate: she outlived Henrry. On September 7, Catherine died of complications from the childbirth.
Children: None
Wife number: 6

Name: Catherine Howard.
Fate: Beheaded at the Tower of London, sharged with treason.
Children: None
Wife number: 5

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